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55 gallon drum of hygenall ToxOff Laundry Detergent
Hygenall ToxOff 5 Gallon Laundry Detergent. Heavy Metal Decontamination for Firefighters

Hygenall® ViruSoap™




Lead removing foaming bathroom soap. Hygenall LeadOff Foaming soap.
Gallon bottle holder, screws into wall.
One Quart sized spray bottle of Hygenall LeadOff, Heavy metal surface cleaner.
500 heavy metal removing wipes, Refills Hygenall LeadOff Dispensers and tubs.
Wall mountable wipe dispenser. Hygenall LeadOff decon wipes, heavy metal and lead removal.

Hygenall® LeadOff™ Wall Mount




One bucket filled with 500 disposable lead removing wipes. Hygenall LeadOff Wipes.
Decon station for firing ranges. Includes 500 lead wipes, a trash bin, and a stand. Hygenall LeadOff Wipes.
25 Individually wrapped lead wipes. Hygenall LeadOff range series wipes. Removes Lead and other Heavy metals.