1Why would I use Hygenall?
From toys to diaper bags, studies have shown that lead and other toxic metals are found on many products and surfaces we use everyday, and the list of contaminated products grows each year. Lead poisoning can affect nearly every system in the body. Because lead dust and other toxic metal dust is typically invisible to the naked eye, and poisoning often occurs with no obvious symptoms, it frequently goes unrecognized. Lead poisoning can cause learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and, at very high levels, seizures, coma, and even death. Using Hygenall at least once a day may significantly lower your risk from incidental exposure to toxic metal dust by removing it from your skin in a healthful manner.
2When should I use Hygenall?
Hygenall soaps perfectly replace regular bathroom soaps. Use at the end of the day before bedtime, and before mealtime. Children, pregnant mothers, and workers who are exposed to metals should follow this routine daily. School age children should use Hygenall after school or day-care, or after playing in areas where plastic and painted toys are often used, or where they may have had contact with walls in older buildings. WHERE WATER SUPPLIES MAY BE TAINTED WITH LEAD OR OTHER HEAVY METALS, CLEAN SURFACES WITH HYGENALL SURFACE CLEANER DAILY. Hygenall products remove microscopic toxic metal dust, dirt and most common germs. WARNING: HYGENALL PRODUCTS ARE NOT A CURE FOR LEAD POISONING NOR WILL IT PROTECT YOU FROM LEAD IN WATER OR IF YOU INHALE LEAD DUST. IF YOU SUSPECT LEAD POISONING CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY.
3What is Toxic Hand-off?
Unseen, microscopic metal dust sticks to skin through a strong positive electrostatic charge. Your body has a negative charge. Since washing with soap and water will not remove all the metals on your skin, you can carry metals home with you through a process identified by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as “Toxic Hand-Off”. Toxic Hand-Off addresses how lead dust can be transferred to other people and children. Click here for the white paper called Toxic Hand-Off.
4Will Soap and Water, Alcohol, or Alcohol Based Sanitizer Gels work?
No. Washing with soap and water (both liquid and bar soaps) may increase the chance that metals will sink lower into the skin layers. Alcohol cleaners do not remove metals.
5How does Hygenall work?
Hygenall products are either patented, or patent pending systems that are safe, mild cleaners that are exceedingly effective at breaking the electrostatic bond between metals and skin or surfaces. Hygenall uses a special surfactant to displace metals, and then cleans them away, while at the same time also cleaning off dirt, grime and germs. Hygenall products are designed to leave a clean refreshing feeling.
6How are People Poisoned by Lead and What Happens?
Lead enters the bloodstream and accumulates in organs (especially the liver, kidneys, and brain), tissues, bones, and teeth. Prolonged and repeated exposure increases the levels of lead in the body. The human body absorbs and expels lead very slowly, it is a cumulative poisoning as it can take from weeks to years for the body to expel lead after exposure. Symptoms and the damage done by lead poisoning differ in adults and children. Children absorb lead more easily than adults so are at a greater risk. People who work with lead should be aware that they can bring lead dust into their homes on their clothes.
7How are Children affected by Lead Poisoning?
Low level lead poisoning can be hard to spot as the symptoms do not always make themselves obvious until a later age. Symptoms of those exposed to higher levels of lead can include headaches, a blue line around the gums, tiredness, anemia, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, hearing problems, slow growth, foot drop, wrist drop, lack of physical co-ordination, convulsions, coma and death. Lead poisoning causes permanent brain damage, damage to the central nervous system, a drop in IQ, learning disabilities and behavioral problems.
8How are Adults affected by Lead Poisoning?
In adults the symptoms can include headaches, tiredness, a blue line around the gums, anemia, abdominal pain and cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, hearing problems, insomnia, lack of concentration, memory loss, problems with the kidneys, lack of physical co-ordination, high blood pressure, foot drop, wrist drop, abnormal behavior, convulsions, coma and death. Lead poisoning can cause infertility, hearing difficulties, kidney disease, kidney failure, permanent brain damage and damage to the central nervous system. In women lead poisoning can cause stillbirth, miscarriage, premature birth and fetal development problems. Treatment of both adults and children involves removing the source of the lead. In low level lead poisoning this can be all that is needed for the patient to start to recover. In cases with a higher exposure to lead, chelating drugs are used to help the body remove it. Lead poisoning can cause permanent damage to the brain, vital organs, central nervous systems and can be fatal. If you suspect lead poisoning, you must contact your doctor immediately and tell him/her your suspicions.
9Are there metals in the Workplace?
Tradesmen such as battery recyclers/manufacturers, welders, fabricating stainless steel, ammunition handling and manufacture, or aviation maintenance workers exposed to anti-corrosion coatings are examples of workers that may be exposed to heavy metals in the workplace. Workers can be exposed to metals through inhalation of fumes and dusts, as well as through ingestion as a result of lead-contaminated hands, food, drinks, cosmetics, tobacco products, and clothing. Furthermore, workers can take metals home on their clothes, skin, hair, tools, and in their vehicles , potentially exposing their families to harmful health effects.
10Why Hygenall?
After years of old school, “home remedy” type solutions on the market that were not effective enough, U.S. Government scientists set out to better understand why toxic metals such as Lead do not clean off easily. With years of research and a lot of hard work, government scientists discovered that metals stick to skin and surfaces through an electrostatic process, essentially, they figured out that regular anionic based soaps, which work by removing the natural oils of your skin, and are also where non-ionic dirt and germs live, did not work well at disrupting the electrostatic properties that make metals stick. The scientists involved developed a new kind of soap that has been third party tested to remove greater than 99% of lead from skin, the hardest of the common metals to remove.
11What is in Hygenall that makes it so effective?
The patent pending technology that Hygenall uses combines a cationic surfactant with a tiny amount of acid for skin health, and green “sustainable” ingredients which make a fresh cleaning product that is safe for wastewater, and in the case of wipes, safe for waste management.
12How much more effective are Hygenall Products over other inexpensive metal cleaners?
According to government studies, Hygenall products are 95% more effective than the worse products, and 45% over some of the better performing products on the market.
13Why not use cheap products that also claim to remove heavy metals?
Look for the credibility of Hygenall branded products that have been tested and recommended by the U.S. Government. Given how heavy metals can dramatically affect the brain in children, or are extremely carcinogenic, and since the main source of contamination is usually working adults, you should want to get rid of these metals as much as possible. Hygenall products that claim >90% efficacy have been tested by well-known and reputable third party labs.
14Why not just one product for all metals?
Hygenall scientists work closely with government and industry scientists to better understand how various metals affect humans, and given the wide-ranging characteristics of these metals, no single formulation will work with the highest efficacy possible for each metal. For example, products that are designed to clean off lead oxide (PbO), will not work well with hexavalent chromium (CrVI).
15Do Hygenall products promote water solubility of metals?
No at all, which was one of the main design criteria for our products, in fact, this is one of the reasons why Hygenall does not sell a "non-rinse" soap product.
16What are Chelates?
Chelates are used in extreme cases of chelation therapy to detoxify the body from toxic metals. Chelates are ingredients such as Disodium EDTA (which is very dangerous, and outlawed by the FDA for any use), Calcium Disodium EDTA, large amounts of Citric Acid (some Hygenall products have a very small amount of Citric Acid to promote skin health).
17Do Hygenall wipe products “smear” when used?
No. There used to be products on the market that left an oily or greasy sensation after use, and we get the occasional question if ours does the same.
18Are Hygenall products guaranteed?
Yes! As far as we know, we are the only company in the industry that offers a guarantee. Contact us at info@hygenall.com for details.
19Is rinsing required after using Hygenall Non-Rinse wipe products?
No. Hygenall wipes are awesome for cleaning and decontamination! If you read the instructions carefully, it say’s “For increased effectiveness, use second wipe followed by rinsing.” The added rinse instructions are meant for skin that has been heavily contaminated, and for extra measure, we included the “rinse” statement.
20Is using a washcloth required with Hygenall Soap products?
No. Again, out of the abundance of caution, we have included the suggestion of using a washcloth with our soaps on the label.
21Do I need to rinse after using Hygenall soaps?
Yes you do, except for Hygenall LeadOff RANGEBAG Series Foaming Soap, which is a non-rinse formulation. All other Hygenall soaps require rinsing afterwards, otherwise you are going to have dried soap on your hands, and who wants that? Whether you have to rinse or not is listed on the label, however here are the Hygenall soap brands that do require rinsing after use: Hygenall LeadOff Foaming Soap 18.5 Ounce Bottle, Hygenall LeadOff Foaming Soap 1 Gallon Bottle, Hygenall LeadOff Hand Scrub Soap, Hygenall FieldWash, Hygenall HexOff Foaming Soap (all sizes), Hygenall EPA-Green Industrial Soap (all sizes), Hygenall Home and Beauty (all sizes).
22Is the fragrance used in Hygenall products safe?
Yes! Fragrance chemistry is a concern for many people, particularly when inexpensive petrochemical based fragrances, including Phthalate are used. Hygenall fragrances do not contain Phthalates. Instead, we use FDA approved, plant derived natural fragrances that are safe to use everyday.
23Are Hygenall products Green?
Yes! When these products are being developed, we keep an eye on dangerous chemicals, including chemicals that might be on FDA or EPA watch lists, and we avoid them. Our wipes are made primarily from sustainable wood cloth or 100% cotton, and our ingredients are mostly naturally derived, and even the slight fragrance we use comes from natural plant based oils, rather than dangerous petrochemicals. We use refillable designs wherever possible, including our reusable wipe tubs, and our liquid containers. All plastics that we use are 100% recyclable.
24Can I use Hygenall Firefighter cleaning and decon products every day?
Yes. Hygenall products are designed to replace regular soaps and cleaners and are perfect for everyday use.
25Will Hygenall firefighter cleaning and decon products remove cancer causing chemicals?
•Hygenall products are designed to remove all three major types of chemicals from skin and equipment, including cationic, anionic, and non-ionic chemicals and metals.
26Does Hygenall firefighter products clean off soot?
Yes, soot, which is a compendium of various chemicals, including hydrocarbons is fairly simple to clean off, however soot can also contain cancer causing chemicals that regular cleaners may not clean off very well.
27How do Hygenall Firefighter products work? How are they different from regular soaps, baby wipe type products and surface cleaners?
Where regular soaps and wipes work well to remove non-ionic and anionic type chemicals, they do not work very well with other cancer-causing cationic chemicals. Unlike most regular soaps, Hygenall uses an electrostatic displacement method to potentially reduce, clean off, or neutralize all three types of chemicals, or what we call, “Full-Spectrum” cleaning and decon.
28What do Hygenall products clean off?
Hygenall products will help clean off carcinogens, germs, soot, chemicals, metals, plastics, drug residue, and even radioactive isotopes.
29Are Hygenall Firefighter cleaning and decon products expensive?
No. Hygenall products cost the same as most other high-quality cleaning products.
30What other products are on the market that compare to Hygenall Firefighter cleaning and decon products?
None that we are aware of.
31What chemicals are firefighters exposed to in a fire?
No two fires are the same, and as such, Hygenall’s design philosophy is to make products that help clean off all chemicals that likely exist in any fire. From chemical filled floodwaters to structure fires, we assume that hazardous chemicals are in every event, and designed our products to help clean off as many things as possible.
32Is it hazardous for family members at home if firefighters do not practice simple hygiene cleaning and decon procedures?
Likely, yes. Certain types of chemicals do not wash off very well with regular soaps and cleaners, no matter how hard you scrub. If a firefighter does not wash before going home, these chemicals can accumulate on surfaces that other family members can touch and ingest. Children and teenagers are particularly susceptible to even microscopic quantities of these chemicals, and chronic exposure may have a profound effect on their neurological or general wellness.
33How were Hygenall products developed?
Since 2008, Hygenall Corporation has spent millions of dollars, more than any university or other company that we are aware of, in researching how to clean things off firefighters, making us the oldest firefighter hygiene, cleaning and decon product manufacturer in the USA, perhaps even the world!
34Hello, I'm looking into lead removing soaps and wipes for our shooting ranges. How does Hygenall products compare to ESCA Tech D-Lead soaps/wipes? Do you use the same active ingredients?
We cannot speak for ESCA Tech products, except to say that our products do not use the same ingredients, as we use an entirely different system for decontamination. You should also know that Hygenall products have been tested and recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) for use on firing ranges. Also, the U.S. Army Public Health Command (USAPHC) has also tested and recommended our products for use on firing ranges. If you send us your address, we would be happy to send samples to you for testing.
35I see your products use foam dispenser, does that help extend the product use?
We use a foaming method for our skin cleaning and decontamination for a few different reasons: 1. The chemicals that typical soap manufacturers use to create foam in soap work against our methodology for removing heavy metals, chemicals, and drug residues, so we do not use them. We use an air injection method to create foam, which enhances user experience for our products. 2. Foam gives our formulation better dwell time on the skin, thus improving the decontamination method without the use of harsh chemicals that often lead to skin irritation. 3. Our foaming products are formulated to deliver a predetermined amount of cleaning power to the skin, as such, there is far less waste and overuse, which gives a much better economic advantage. Our foaming products will last, on average, 4 times longer than a regular bottle of soap, using the same amount, e.g. Hygenall LeadOff Foaming Soap will last 4x longer than any non-foaming soap, while still delivering the best performance. 4. Our foaming soaps require less maintenance and refills, due to their extended use span
36What would be the best way for our department to purchase?
You can purchase directly from our online store at Hygenall.com/law enforcement Grainger, Fastenal, Airgas, or nearly any large industrial MRO supplier. Or, if you have a vendor that you already use, we can authorize them to carry our products for you. To learn more about products that we offer, please go to Hygenall.com, or feel free to contact us.